Grant to Dadihiye Somali Development Organisation (360G-LondonCF-A558215)

Food for 70 families and their children/young estimated 150 and 30 elders. Most of the Somali Community and some BME in our area did not access the local food banks due to cultural and language barriers and we would buy food and other supplies for those 50+women isolated at home. We also need to use the money for volunteers expenses, telephone communication costs, transportation, computers, etc

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 9020
Amount Awarded 9020
Award Date 2020-05-19T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01002856
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Kensington and Chelsea 004E
Grant Programme: Code Wave 2: Crisis Response
Grant Programme: Title Covid-19 Funding
Last Modified 2020-10-07T00:00:00+00:00
Primary beneficiary Black, Asian and minority ethnic
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1401387
Recipient Org: Company Number 08192593
Recipient Org: Description Aims Charitable Objectives: The charity’s main objective is to ‘relieve poverty in Somalia and, in particular, refugees outside Somalia by providing humanitarian assistance and rehabilitation to victims of diseases, calamities and conflicts DADIHIYE’s aim is to provide support Services needs for the underprivileged Somalis and other BME members by improving their prospects; we aspire to do the following specific objects: I. Provision of help in terms of information and practical support for children/young people and their families II. Expansion of therapy and encouragement services. III. Assistance to reduce poverty and improve social inclusivity. IV. Advice with Debt and financial planning V. Deal with trauma of refugees and asylum seekers. VI. Improve the lifestyle of disadvantaged Somalis and local MBE in the UK. VII. Work and liaise more with other organisations and groups in order to improve our community services. Annual Activities • The Drop- in Advice Services: we provide advice, information, advocacy and support on issues such as Benefits, Housing, GPs, Education, Debt, filling forms, representations. Sewing class combines with English Conversation and health workshops • Supplementary school to help children with Math, English, homework and school holidays activities and trips. • Social outlet of Coffee Mornings women to socialize and break isolations The organisation is managed by 5 Board of trustees – The chair, deputy Chair, Secretary and 2 trustee members, who meet every six weeks on regular bases, and decisions are made during Board meetings
Recipient Org: Web Address