Shine Women's Mentoring (360G-SCVO-a133z00000KKG1TAAX)

Recipient Organization

Shine Women's Mentoring is a national Public Social Partnership, providing mentoring support to women in the justice system, including those serving a short term prison sentence or a period on remand. Shine was first established in 2013 and has developed extensive knowledge, understanding and experience of supporting this group of particularly vulnerable women. The needs of women leaving custody are complex and specific, with women facing many risks on liberation. Through experience, Shine recognises how crucial the first 48 hours on release from prison are, in particularly the risk of fatal overdose. These critical hours are fuelled by anxiety and isolation for many women, which increases their risk of harm even further. Prior to the pandemic, Shine provided a "gate pick up" service, which collected women on the day of release, supporting them to link in with key services such as housing, GP and addictions. This was a fundamental part of Shine service delivery and when the pandemic put a stop to this, Shine recognised the importance of adapting rapidly. Very quickly Shine developed Liberation Packs for all women leaving prison. These packs were placed in their belongings for the day of release and included essential service information, basic hygiene products and crucially they contained a charged mobile phone with data. This allowed women to receive support from their mentor as soon as they stepped through the gate. Women quickly referred to the provision of a smart phone as a lifeline. Having technology allowed women to access Shine support, as well as other key services. It also reduced isolation by giving women a means to stay in contact with social support mechanisms, increasing their overall wellbeing and feeling of connection.

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This data was originally published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Applied For 80000
Amount Awarded 85000
Award Date 2024-05-29
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S12000005
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type S12
Beneficiary Location: Name Across Scotland
Data Source
From An Open Call? No
Funding Org: Charity Number SC003558
Funding Org: City Edinburgh
Funding Org: Country Scotland
Funding Org: County City of Edinburgh
Funding Org: Department Funding
Funding Org: Description The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises.
Funding Org: Location: Latitude 55.959611
Funding Org: Location: Longitude -3.190946
Funding Org: Postal Code EH3 6BB
Funding Org: Street Address Mansfield Traquair, 15 Mansfield Place
Funding Org: Web Address
Grant Programme: Code scvo-digital-lifelines-early-adopters-ii
Grant Programme: Description Digital Lifelines Early Adopters II aims to work with teams and organisations that care for and support people at risk of death from a drug overdose. The aim is to evidence where further or different digital inclusion activity can make a difference, to look to enhance current activity and to share insights and recommend change more broadly to other organisations that would benefit.
Grant Programme: Title Digital Lifelines Early Adopters II
Grant Programme: URL
Last Modified 2023-05-24T15:43:06+00:00