GIDI Heights [Grassmarket IT and Digital Inclusion] Project (360G-SCVO-a133z00000KKRQ4AAP)

We want to expand our well-established IT classes from one day per week to three, providing 6 two-hour long classes targeted at Edinburgh’s homeless, most vulnerable and at risk adults led by trained and experienced tutors – many of whom have lived experience as well as qualifications in social work, community education, Occupational Therapy and adult education as well as being confident in IT skills and making IT more accessible and the core skills more obtainable. Current work: Building on previous pilot schemes and our successful DIG-IT programme (its funding recently ended) we want to continue to offer a high-quality service in which members can access new IT skills at any level; ranging from novice to advanced, working towards SQA accredited courses such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Each training stream is personally tailored to match the digital needs of each member in a fun and engaging way, individuals can work at their own pace with support provided by our trained tutors or tech competent volunteers. Individual learning allows furthering of other key skills such as problem solving, time management and asking for help and relieves the stress of keeping pace with other learners. Individuals learn both vital basic computer skills and internet safety so they can feel confident, competent, and safe whilst online. Furthermore, many of our members do not have a personal way to access online, our permanent, purpose-built, modern IT suite allows members the opportunity to use computers for important personal use (emails, online banking, online studies, job applications, benefit support) so that they have an opportunity to connect online in a welcoming environment. During the Pandemic we partnered with the Edinburgh Remakery to collect and refurbish a dozen laptops/PC Systems which were subsequently gifted to our members, whose digitally isolation had been compounded by the pandemic. Not only did this benefit people who were in digital poverty but upcycling the 12 devices also proved environmentally advantageous as it reduced landfill waste and the local carbon footprint, we would like to continue and expand this partnership. We are proud that this partnership, as well as the hard work from our Tutors, staff, volunteers and IT support who provided a full online activity programme, and IT support to those who needed it most and had it least. This was acknowledged through the BFI/Cinema For All UK Film Society and Community Cinema Awards awarding us ‘Best Digital Engagement Award 2021’ and Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Business Awards awarding us ‘Highly Commended’ in the Responsible Business Award category 2022. Want to expand: Devices: We would want to provide 15 individual use laptops, which will be given to individuals who regularly attend GCP and would greatly benefit from having a personal device which they can use to access online. Each laptop shall be fitted with remote access software which would allow us to address any potential technological problems remotely. Laptops will be gifted as renting can cause difficulties if the laptop is damaged or lost. Individuals may feel a deep sense of fear and panic around these events which could result in a non-attendance to GCP which could be catastrophic and in a worse case scenario lead to sudden loss of supports, suicide or a rapid deterioration of mental health. We do not want a laptop to be a reason someone does not engage with those that care about them. A further 4 laptops will be available at GCP for members attending in person activities who want to have access to a computer as well as 12 PC’s). This will increase spaces and opportunities at our IT classes and reduce the need for Members to bring in highly valuable belongings to the GCP. Days: Our IT Classes have been running for over 9 years have consistently remained one of the most highly subscribed to activity provided by GCP. We would like to extend these classes from 2 classes per week to 6, due to current interest in IT and member’s want to be digitally engaged (which has increased since the pandemic left many completely isolated) we think this extension of our current programme will be welcomed by members. Volunteer/ tutor training: GCP is grateful to have a strong dedicated team of 195 enthusiastic volunteers who volunteer with our activities, Open Door Meals and excursions. Due to the high-quality service we provide in the IT classes we want to ensure our volunteers are adequately trained to help members with tech issues and more advanced online skills. To expand our current services we must invest in our volunteers and tutors through comprehensive and up to date training. Including Trauma Informed Practice, adult-teaching skills, thorough use and confidence in the most common applications and tools as well as importantly cyber security, privacy, data-protection and group management. Engagement: In conjunction to our member’s activity programme, GCP delivers a weekly Open-Door Night connecting with Edinburgh’s wider homeless and vulnerably housed community through providing a 2 course meal, and other essential services ( vet clinics, haircuts, benefit support). This service has been running for over a decade and is well established within one of the most isolated communities. Using this weekly event to connect those who are homeless and vulnerably housed with our IT classes will help to expand our digital inclusion initiatives and provide a connection into the GCP community which can further provide extra support and a strong sense of community. The four laptops will be available for short term free hire at this facility for 1 ½ hours a week for people who are roughsleeping or have no recourse to public funds, are destitute and would benefit from a 20-30 minute slot on a laptop to check emails or social media – message people who may be concerned about their welfare or whereabouts.

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This data was originally published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Applied For 25000
Amount Awarded 30000
Award Date 2024-05-29
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S12000036
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type S12
Beneficiary Location: Name Edinburgh
Data Source
From An Open Call? No
Funding Org: Charity Number SC003558
Funding Org: City Edinburgh
Funding Org: Country Scotland
Funding Org: County City of Edinburgh
Funding Org: Department Funding
Funding Org: Description The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises.
Funding Org: Location: Latitude 55.959611
Funding Org: Location: Longitude -3.190946
Funding Org: Postal Code EH3 6BB
Funding Org: Street Address Mansfield Traquair, 15 Mansfield Place
Funding Org: Web Address
Grant Programme: Code scvo-digital-lifelines-early-adopters-ii
Grant Programme: Description Digital Lifelines Early Adopters II aims to work with teams and organisations that care for and support people at risk of death from a drug overdose. The aim is to evidence where further or different digital inclusion activity can make a difference, to look to enhance current activity and to share insights and recommend change more broadly to other organisations that would benefit.
Grant Programme: Title Digital Lifelines Early Adopters II
Grant Programme: URL
Last Modified 2023-08-28T14:59:28+00:00