School-Home Support Brandon (360G-USTSC-LGPFA2R1_100006)

The project will provide holistic practical and emotional support to children and families from Southwark’s Brandon Estate, targeting children for whom our partner schools have the highest level of concern - typically those with the highest levels of school absence, Absence from school is directly related to a child’s educational achievement, impacting their future life opportunities. But it’s not just their future that is at risk; children not in school are not safe. Children who are persistently absent are more likely to be bullied, excluded or engaging in risky behaviours such as using alcohol or drugs, engaging in sex or in gang activity, or carrying knives. They are more likely to end up in the criminal justice system or to become NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training). Last year in London, 83% of young people arrested for knife possession were those who were persistently absent from school Children who are persistently absent from school are typically experiencing severe disadvantage at home, with parents often incapacitated through multiple and complex issues such as poverty, debt, housing issues, substance misuse, mental ill health, family breakdown or domestic violence. The project will place a specialist practitioner on the Brandon Estate partnering with one or more primary schools. He/she will provide individually tailored holistic practical and emotional support to enable families facing multiple and complex issues to take control of their situations. Our practitioners support families to develop confidence and capability. Whatever issues families are facing, School-Home Support practitioners work to ensure that children are able to attend school and achieve their potential. By tackling the root causes of school absence School-Home Support aims to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty to bring lasting change to disadvantaged families on the Brandon Estate, levelling the playing field and building strong, resilient families.

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Grant Details

Amount Awarded 80000
Award Date 2020-06-18
Beneficiary Location: Name North Southwark
Data Source
Grant Programme: Title Large Grants Programme: Full Application 2020/21 Round 1
Last Modified 2020-06-19T00:00:00Z
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 23
Planned Dates: End Date 2022-08-31
Planned Dates: Start Date 2020-09-01
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1084696
Recipient Org: City London
Recipient Org: Company Number 03991440
Recipient Org: Postal Code E15 4LJ
Reference LGPFA2R1\100006