To influence the Department for Education’s (DfE) new Sustainability and Climate Strategy (360G-jjcharitable-JJC794 )


To influence the Department for Education’s (DfE) new Sustainability and Climate Strategy.

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Grant Details

Amount Awarded 10000
Award Date 2022-01-24
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Name UK
ID 5514
Last Modified 2022-02-15T04:41:34Z
Recipient Org: Country UK
Recipient Org: Description Teach the Future is a student-led campaign advocating for education reformation around the climate crisis. Recently, the youth climate movement has grown in number and power, however only 4% of students feel that they know a lot about climate change. We believe that young people must be ingrained in solutions to the climate crisis to ensure a democratic and just process. We believe that there is great potential in schools to make an equitable shift to a green economy and society. It is a national framework that we all, potentially, benefit from regardless of social inequalities and discrimination. Students must be trained in practical green skills and taught how to face climate change creatively, healthily and resiliently. This includes learning about the UK’s political system and social injustices, in order to create a more democratic, greener society. Teach the Future politically advocates for all students to be taught about the climate crisis thoroughly, green skills to be included in vocational courses and educational buildings to be net-zero by 2030 (which would contribute to radical nation-wide decarbonisation, create green jobs across the country and inspire students).
Recipient Org: Postal Code SK10 2NZ
Recipient Org: Web Address