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Your search ‘’ returned 30,531 results in ‘All grant fields’
Search summary
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 30,531
Total amount: £21,759,597
Funders: 10
Recipient organisations: 0
Recipient individuals: 29,139
Earliest grant: 01 Apr 2022
Latest grant: 28 Mar 2024

Search results (Displaying 30,531 grants - page 1 of 1527)

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Seinn Gàidhlig! Sing Gaelic!
Singing workshop in West Lothian, with conversation session and local Gaelic information
Amount: £130
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Dè Chanas Sibhse? (What do you say?)
Daily videos sharing weather-related words, phrases, proverbs and more from North Uist.
Amount: £400
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Cùrsa Gaeilge / Irish Course
Taic do neach le Gàidhlig airson cùrsa Gaeilge a ghabhail / Support for a Gaelic speaker to undertake an Irish course
Amount: £750
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Cùrsa Gaeilge / Irish Course
Taic do neach le Gàidhlig airson cùrsa Gaeilge a ghabhail / Support for a Gaelic speaker to undertake an Irish course
Amount: £750
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Cùrsa Gaeilge / Irish Course
Taic do neach le Gàidhlig airson cùrsa Gaeilge a ghabhail / Support for a Gaelic speaker to undertake an Irish course
Amount: £500
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Cùrsa Gaeilge / Irish Course
Taic do neach le Gàidhlig airson cùrsa Gaeilge a ghabhail / Support for a Gaelic speaker to undertake an Irish course
Amount: £500
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Cùrsa Gaeilge / Irish Course
Taic do neach le Gàidhlig airson cùrsa Gaeilge a ghabhail / Support for a Gaelic speaker to undertake an Irish course
Amount: £500
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Cùrsa Gaeilge / Irish Course
Taic do neach le Gàidhlig airson cùrsa Gaeilge a ghabhail / Support for a Gaelic speaker to undertake an Irish course
Amount: £500
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Taic airson ComicCon nan Eilean Siar
Taic airson ComicCon nan Eilean Siar
Amount: £1,736
Recipient: Individual
Region: Scotland
District: Na h-Eileanan Siar
Cruthaich sreath bhideothan a bhios a' toirt taic do chomisean Fèis Blas 2023
Cruthaich sreath bhideothan a bhios a' toirt taic do chomisean Fèis Blas 2023
Amount: £4,745
Recipient: Individual
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Leabhar cloinne a chruthachadh cuide ris neach ealain Stephan Tod
Leabhar cloinne a chruthachadh cuide ris neach ealain Stephan Tod
Amount: £1,700
Recipient: Individual
Region: Scotland
District: Na h-Eileanan Siar
Comharraich trì òrain Ghàidhlig agus an cleachdadh mar bhunait airson film goirid Gàidhlig
Comharraich trì òrain Ghàidhlig agus an cleachdadh mar bhunait airson film goirid Gàidhlig
Amount: £6,641
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Cruthachadh EP lèirsinneach ùr a bheir seachad eòlas lèirchlaistinneach bogaidh
Cruthachadh EP lèirsinneach ùr a bheir seachad eòlas lèirchlaistinneach bogaidh
Amount: £3,810
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Seisean ‘Singsong’ sa Ghàidhlig, a’ seinn òrain agus a’ còmhradh
Seisean ‘Singsong’ sa Ghàidhlig, a’ seinn òrain agus a’ còmhradh
Amount: £307
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Bùithtean-obrach poblach air òrain is fuinn san sgìre ionadail
Bùithtean-obrach poblach air òrain is fuinn san sgìre ionadail
Amount: £500
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Lean air adhart leis na seiseanan ‘Seinn Comhla’
Lean air adhart leis na seiseanan ‘Seinn Comhla’
Amount: £493
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Sgrìobhadh agus a' taisbeanadh comadaidh ùr Gàidhlig
Sgrìobhadh agus a' taisbeanadh comadaidh ùr Gàidhlig
Amount: £5,000
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Leudachadh air pròiseact bàrdachd agus foghlam film 'Air Bàrr na Teanga'
Leudachadh air pròiseact bàrdachd agus foghlam film 'Air Bàrr na Teanga'
Amount: £1,472
Recipient: Individual
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
ÀIRIDH:  Còmhla air a 'Chroit / Together on the Farm
ÀIRIDH:  Còmhla air a 'Chroit / Together on the Farm
Amount: £500
Recipient: Individual
Region: Scotland
District: Na h-Eileanan Siar
Seinn aig Talla Bhreacais
Seinn aig Talla Bhreacais
Amount: £500
Recipient: Individual
Region: Scotland
District: Highland