Equally Ours

Organisation Information

Where is this data from?

This data was published in the 360Giving Data Standard by one or more Funders. If you see something about your organisation on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request.

Appears in the data as
Org IDs
GB-CHC-1135357, GB-COH-06464749
Other Names used in the data
Equally Ours; Equality and Diversity Forum

Equally Ours has been identified using different organisation identifiers within the 360Giving data.

Equally Ours has been referred to using several different names in the 360Giving data.

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As Recipient

Equally Ours appears in the 360Giving data as a recipient of grants. Here is an overview of the grants they have received.


Total Grants
Earliest Award
13 Jul 2013
Latest Award
12 Oct 2023
Total Grants
Greatest Amount
Smallest Amount
Explore Grants

This table shows the funders who have made grants to Equally Ours

Funders (GBP)

Funder Grants Total Largest Smallest
Barrow Cadbury Trust 8 £360,000 £60,000 £20,000
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation 5 £475,000 £250,000 £20,000
Trust for London 4 £347,950 £160,000 £16,000
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust 3 £166,040 £135,000 £14,640
The Baring Foundation 3 £142,245 £132,245 £5,000
A B Charitable Trust 2 £45,000 £25,000 £20,000
John Ellerman Foundation 2 £245,000 £140,000 £105,000
The Legal Education Foundation 2 £328,500 £218,500 £110,000
Comic Relief 1 £17,442 £17,442 £17,442
Coop Foundation 1 £15,000 £15,000 £15,000
Paul Hamlyn Foundation 1 £60,000 £60,000 £60,000
The Clothworkers Foundation 1 £9,000 £9,000 £9,000
The National Lottery Community Fund 1 £67,608 £67,608 £67,608