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Your search ‘’ returned 154 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 154
Total amount: £15,232,282
Funders: 6
Recipient organisations: 86
Recipient individuals: 39
Earliest grant: 23 May 1995
Latest grant: 15 Dec 2023

Search results (Displaying 154 grants - page 1 of 8)

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Conlig Seniors (Coronavirus) Support Project
towards a befriending service for the members seniors of the Conlig Community Regeneration Seniors group.
Carrowdore Connections and Communications
towards a "Take 5 steps to wellbeing" themed community growing project in Carrowdore
Holywood Coronavirus Website
towards establishing a website which will share information on activity responding to the Covid 19 crisis in the Hollywood area.
Amount: £2,000
Reaching out to those in isolation
towards grocery hampers for isolated older people.
Can we help
for print and design of leaflet outlining emergency support services.
Here to Help
towards the Donaghadee "Here to Help" project in response to Covid-19
Ards and North Down Community Support
To continue working directly with families and residents who are vulnerable and need one to one support
Amount: £2,000
Recipient: Bangor Alternatives
supporting our most vulnerable
to cover the costs of additional work to be undertaken by staff at this time of crisis for the families we support
Amount: £4,620
Rosie's Trust Support Service
towards helping extremely vulnerable people look after their pets, or to find fostering places for them.
Amount: £1,800
Recipient: Rosie's Trust
towards welfare packs and the development of the group's online training and support capacity.
Amount: £3,000
Portavogie Community Aid
towards Portavogie Community Aid
Covid-19 Here to Help
towards enhanced Covid-19 response programme within their community
Amount: £2,900
Assisi Outreach Scheme
towards running costs of the outreach programme
Amount: £4,500
Initial Training, Mentoring and Service Provision
towards volunteer training, equipment and overheads
Covid - 19 Here to Help
towards the delivery of grovery parcels and medication for isolated older people and households in need across the Donaghadee area.
Amount: £2,450
Portavogie Community Aid
towards Portavogie Community Aid
Reaching Out Together- Digitally Connecting Generations
Towards the Reaching Out Together- Digitally Connecting Generations
Covid 19 Specific PPE for Volunteer Crew
towards PPE for volunteer lifeboat crews.
Covid 19 Specific PPE for Volunteer Crew
towards PPE for RNLI volunteers
Returning to Guiding
towards training and supporting their 600+ girlguiding units to make the transition to online and outdoor delivery.
Amount: £15,000
Recipient: Girlguiding Ulster