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Your search ‘’ returned 141 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 141
Total amount: £12,851,185
Funders: 6
Recipient organisations: 97
Recipient individuals: 23
Earliest grant: 21 Apr 1996
Latest grant: 18 Dec 2023

Search results (Displaying 141 grants - page 1 of 8)

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towards the delivery of an outreach programme providing support with groceries, prescriptions, emergency phone contact, other household assistance and options for physical activity for 250 older people in Carryduff.
Amount: £1,000
Moneyreagh Community Support Hub
towards a be-friending/counselling service, fuel supplies and pre-prepared meals for isolated older people in the Moneyreagh area.
Covid 19 BT8 Community
towards Covid 19 - BT8 Community - a planned support programme for residents of the Carryduff, Cairnshill and Four Winds area
Seymourhill Covid response team
Grant to Seymour Hill and Conway Community Network
Supporting our Community through Covid 19
towards the delivery of essential groceries, medication and fuel to vulnerable older people in the Lurganville area.
Lagan Valley Rural Transport - Combating Social Isolation
towards providing emergency grocery packs for isolated vulnerable elderly people who will have no access to shops during the threat of Covid 19.
BT 16 Covid 19 volunteer response
towards the delivery of the BT16 Covid 19 Volunteer Response Programme to provide toiletries, electric & gas top ups, sanitiser, foodstuffs and emergency care packages to vulnerable and self-isolating people in East Belfast.
Drumbo Area Action
towards essential supplies for vulnerable people and support for the group's volunteers.
To provide practical support to older people and vulnerable people isolated due to Coronavirus in the Ballymacash area. Project aims to work in partnership with other groups in the area.
Amount: £1,000
Telephone befriending - Covid-19
To provide telephone befriending service to those isolated and vulnerable due to Coronavirus, using trained volunteers offer support in a flexible way during the crisis. Working in partnership with local Nursing & Caring direct team.
Laganview Enterprise Centre’s ‘Emergency Aid Distribution Centre’
towards establishing Laganview Enterprise Centre as an emergency aid distribution centre for Lisburn.
Ballymacash Covid 19 response plan
towards the delivery of essential items, and heating and electricity support to vulnerable people in isolation, and associated costs.
Maghaberry Covid 19 Response
towards the cost of purchasing food for elderly, isolates and vulnerable children
Covid-19 Hilden Community Response
towards Hilden community response
Friends of Parkview response to Covid-19
towards the purchase and delivery of packs appropriate for children with learning needs
Same support, different method
towards a telephone befriending and information service and the delivery of food and mental health support packages for older and vulnerable people in Lisburn.
Amount: £2,500
Post Covid Ballymacash Community Restore Project
Towards the Post Covid Ballymacash Community Restore Project
Building a better future for the ADHD community post- COVID19
Towards building a better future for the ADHD community post- COVID19
Amount: £8,771
Recipient: ADDNI Limited
Covid 19 Autism Support Network
Towards supporting children with autism and their families
Amount: £14,953
Recipient: Autism NI (PAPA)
Wellness in our current times
Towards Wellness in our current times
Amount: £5,680