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Your search ‘’ returned 1,105 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 1,105
Total amount: £177,463,038
Funders: 1
Recipient organisations: 683
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 09 Jan 2015
Latest grant: 08 Mar 2022

Search results (Displaying 1,105 grants - page 1 of 56)

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BAME Intermediary Partner
COVID19 - Imkaan is a second-tier infrastructure organisation serving the black minoritised and migrant women's community.-Established in 1998, the idea for Imkaan was to create a federation for the specialist BAME women's sector. At the time, BAME organisations did not have a nationally representative body that could advocate on their behalf. BAME women's organisations raised concerns about just… more
Amount: £520,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Recipient: Imkaan
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
BAME Intermediary Partner
COVID19 - The ATM-The Anti-Tribalism Movement is a non-profit organisation committed to tackling tribal discrimination and promoting fairer and more equitable societies.-They-work towards this mission through-five thematic priorities:-fostering tolerance, encouraging dialogue, producing leaders, and undertaking-community research-to influence-institutional policies and practice. They work closely… more
Amount: £520,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
BAME Intermediary Partner
COVID19 - Sporting Equals-vision is an equal, ethnically diverse sport, health and physical activity sector, and we are the only organisation in the UK that exists for this purpose. Originally formed in 1998 through a partnership between Sport England and the Commission for Racial Equality, we incorporated as an independent entity in 2006 and have set about fighting inequality and challenging att… more
Amount: £520,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Recipient: Sporting Equals
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
BAME Intermediary Partner
COVID19 - Greater Manchester BAME Network were established in 2009, to inform, support and connect BAME-led VCSE organisations and BAME individuals living and working in Greater Manchester, and the North West. Working with 1300 members, they provide regular news about policy, funding, best practice, and opportunities for members to network, hear high-profile speakers, and learn from each other. I… more
Amount: £367,500
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: England
District: Undetermined
BAME Intermediary Partner
COVID19 - African Health Policy Network aims to improve the health and well-being of BAME people living in the UK who are disproportionately affected by long term health conditions such as HIV, mental health issues, diabetes and Cancer and others. We work with BAME communities to lessen the impacts of these inequalities and challenge intersecting issues of stigma, marginalisation, isolation, pove… more
Amount: £500,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Voice 4 Change - BAME Intermediary Partner
COVID19 - V4CE is uniquely well placed to act as a funding partner for Comic Relief. V4CE is a national membership organisation helping BAME groups and communities since 2006 and has expertise and a track record of success in reaching BAME groups. V4CE is connected to both larger organisations and grassroots groups, and helps them with infrastructure and income development, with specialist expert… more
Amount: £500,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
BAME Intermediary Partner
COVID19 - BTEG is a national BAME charity that reaches a network of over 1000 community based organisations. BTEG has supported frontline organisations for 29 years and has built up expertise working in, with and for BAME organisations. BTEG is an Intermediary partner for Comic Relief and makes grants to local BAME organisations on our behalf. Co-funded by National Emergencies Trust (with the amount of £272,095.59)
Amount: £355,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Lancashire GMF
COVID19 - Lancashire BME Network (LBN) formed in 2014 following a merger between Lancashire Women’s Network (est. 1996) & Lancashire BME Pact (est. 2003) both had worked closely & merged in recognition of their complementary aims, objectives & goals to support marginalised BME communities across Lancashire. We continue to address multiple disadvantages that BME groups & communities face in employ… more
Amount: £288,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: England
District: Undetermined
Global Majority Fund - Wales
COVID19 - Race Council Cymru (RCC) was established in 2010 with the intention of bringing a fresh pan-Wales approach to issues around race a and exploit emerging opportunities for grassroots involvement in shaping the policies and services of government and Welsh institutions towards communities facing racial inequality (CfRI). RCC has grown and progressed steadily with innovative projects and sc… more
Amount: £318,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Recipient: Race Council Cymru
Region: Wales
District: Undetermined
Muslim Charities Forum: Support, Connect, Represent Covid19
COVID19 - The Muslim Charities Forum (MCF) is the network of British Muslim charities working for social good at home and abroad, established in 2007. Our purpose is to contribute to a more just and sustainable world by improving the impact, effectiveness, and coordination of the British Muslim charitable sector. Journey of funds: National Emergencies Trust and The Clothworkers’ Foundation funds … more
Amount: £288,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: England
District: Undetermined
Supporting the Caribbean & African Community in Greater Manchester
COVID19 - CAHN is a Black-led organisation set up to address the wider social determinants of health and to reduce health inequalities for people of Caribbean & African descent living in Greater Manchester (GM). We work with the Black community and cross-sector organisations to build community resilience. CAHN’s vision is to eradicate health inequalities within a generation by building community … more
Amount: £288,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: England
District: Undetermined
Common Call - Grant Fund for Black-led charities and social enterprises
COVID19 - Common Call is a grant fund for Black-led charities and social enterprises across the UK, where over 51% of the leadership are people with lived experience and whose beneficiaries are over 51% Black. The specificity of our call allows us to tap into an extremely underfunded community. In the history of our fund we have had to turn great organisations away due to a lack of available fund… more
Amount: £360,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Recipient: Do It Now Now
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
London Grants for Racialised Communities
COVID19 - We will fund community organisations to work with first generation migrants, asylum seekers and refugees from North Africa, East Africa and French Speaking Africa, China, Iran and the Middle East. Journey of funds: National Emergencies Trust and The Clothworkers’ Foundation funds to Comic Relief, Comic Relief to intermediary partners, and intermediary partners to grassroots organisation… more
Amount: £288,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Recipient: BME Health Forum
Region: England
District: Undetermined
Black and Minoritised Women's Fund
COVID19 - We will prioritise organisations led by and for women of African descent, but the programme will be open to all women's organisations who are led by and for communities experiencing racial inequality. Journey of funds: National Emergencies Trust and The Clothworkers’ Foundation funds to Comic Relief, Comic Relief to intermediary partners, and intermediary partners to grassroots organisa… more
Amount: £276,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: England
District: Undetermined
Community React Fund
COVID19 - Community React Fund will work with community groups supporting African and Caribbean communities experiencing barriers in accessing services and most affected by Covid-19. The grant will fund initiatives addressing isolation, mental health, disability, violence against women and girls, poverty, digital exclusion, no recourse to public funds and those with chronic or long-term health co… more
Amount: £288,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: England
District: Undetermined
The Global Majority Fund - Phase II Grant
COVID19 - Intermediary Fund: Communities Experience Racial Inequality. At the moment, we know that organisations need digital resources, especially with the advent of increased remote working, funding for core costs (i.e. rent, phone and internet costs, etc), PPE equipment to safely resume some level of services, and funding for interpreting to implement multi-lingual support services. Journey of… more
Amount: £179,400
Funder: Comic Relief
District: Undetermined
Early Action Neighbourhood Fund - MAP
Working in 3 schools and focusing on wellbeing and emotional health, MAP will target young people at risk of being NEET (not in employment, education or training) on leaving school and provide early support (aged 13-14) with a range of interventions, mentoring and family work. It aims to reduce acute spending in CAMHS budgets and unlock a percen
Amount: £1,775,496
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: England
District: Undetermined
Youth Patrons
Young people with autism can face challenges in accessing appropriate educational provision, with repercussions around access to further education or employment. This grant will support the organisation’s Youth Patrons; these are volunteers aged between 16-25 who use their personal experience of autism to raise awareness and champion initiatives such as 'Ruled Out' - a campaign that aims to stop … more
Amount: £96,482
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Young People's Domestic Abuse Awareness & Support Project
There were 944 reported domestic abuse incidents affecting 16-24 year olds in the Dartford area last year with a significant increase amongst young people in peer relationships. The Love Me, Love Me Not domestic violence awareness programme is a preventative project which aims to educate young people about healthy relationships. The grant will deliver interactive workshops in schools and youth se… more
Amount: £180,600
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: England
District: Undetermined
Support and Recovery from Self-harm and Sexual Exploitation
It is estimated that 1 in 5 teenagers in the UK self-harm. The reasons for this are complex but can often include domestic violence, poverty and child abuse. As an experienced organisation with links to other young people services, the WISH Centre will use this grant to extend their existing service into two further boroughs where there are high levels of need. Using a combination of young person… more
Amount: £178,926
Funder: Comic Relief
Recipient: The WISH Centre
Region: England
District: Undetermined