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Your search ‘’ returned 172 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 172
Total amount: £736,515
Funders: 1
Recipient organisations: 164
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 21 May 2021
Latest grant: 24 Nov 2023

Search results (Displaying 172 grants - page 1 of 9)

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Grant to Medical Governance Research Institute
Travel support for reciprocal UK-Japan visits to create a bilingual brochure to educate healthcare professionals/students about financial conflicts of interest between pharmaceutical firms and the healthcare sector, and to take part in an international meeting in Bath, September to December 2022.
Amount: £9,500
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre
Travel support for three UK-based researchers to visit Lake Suigetsu in Fukui Prefecture, Japan to engage in a study of the relationship between Earth's magnetic field strength and the receipt of cosmogenic radiation at the Earth's surface, as recorded by luminescence profiling at Lake Suigetsu, 2022.
Amount: £10,955
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to University College London, Department of Computer Science
Travel support for five scientists from University College London to collaborate with colleagues at the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan in developing a robot teleoperative system and to deliver talks on their research proposals and achievements, 2022.
Amount: £7,250
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to University of Hull, Department of Psychology
Travel support for Dr Kazuyo Nakabayashi from the University of Hull to travel to Japan to embark on a collaborative project to develop free online selfcare programs to support children suffering from domestic abuse in coping with emotional distress caused by the trauma. The project is in collaboration with Ritsumeikan University to support and strengthen the work by a Japanese NPO which has been providing a lifeline for the children.
Amount: £7,260
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Belfast Photo Festival
Travel support and associated exhibition costs for collage artist Kensuke Koike to travel to Belfast to develop an exhibition of new photographic work to be displayed at the Botanic Gardens and Ulster Museum and to engage in talks, Belfast Photo Festival, 2 to 30 June 2022.
Amount: £6,000
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Fierce (Festival) Limited (Birmingham)
Travel support for the Japanese artist Saeborg to premiere a performance at Fierce Festival (Birmingham) and Submerge Festival (Manchester) in March and October 2022; the first time these festivals have included representation from Japan.
Amount: £3,000
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Foundling Museum, The
Support for the transport of artwork by Japanese manga artist Taiyō Matsumoto to feature in the exhibition Superheroes, Orphans and Origins: 125 years in Comics, which will run at the Foundling Museum in London, 1 April to 10 July 2022.
Amount: £5,200
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Keele University, School of Social, Political and Global Studies (Dr Monalisa Adhikari)
Travel support for a Keele University academic to engage in pilot research with academics at Waseda University examining the way Japan navigates identities as an OECD member and regional power in its engagement in peacebuilding in Asia, leading to further research and publications, 2022.
Amount: £3,000
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Kitamaesen Co.,Ltd.
Travel support for drumming group Kodō to perform at The Anvil in Basingstoke and Bridgewater Hall in Manchester as part of Kodō's 40th anniversary celebrations: 'Kodo One Earth Tour 2022' featuring elements related to the nature and performing arts of Sado Island, the home of Kodo, February 2022.
Amount: £3,600
Recipient: Kitamaesen Co.,Ltd.
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Kyushu University, Department of Communication Design Science
Support for travel to London by Dr Kawahara to participate in research measuring differences in audio engineering, contributing to Queen Mary's Mix Evaluation Dataset and culminating in a peer-reviewed publication, September 2022.
Amount: £2,150
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Liverpool John Moores University, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Travel support for Dr Laura Buck to travel to Japan to investigate the morphological consequences of interbreeding between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals using models constructed using hybrid Japanese/Taiwanese macaque skeletons, and virtual shape analyses, 2022.
Amount: £4,000
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to London School of Economics (Dr Ronald Po)
Travel support for Dr Ronald Po to travel to Japan to collaborate with Dr Ikeda at Tōhoku University and to study documents related to the Bohai Sea and the Mount Hōrai legend resulting in an article 'The Shaping of Maritime Religiosity: The Cultural History of Mount Penglai/Hōrai in China and Japan', 2022.
Amount: £2,000
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Individual
Travel support for a two-month study visit to Japan to explore the ways that floods can be prevented and global warming mitigated, via interviews and research into the principles, design and maintenance of refuge parks and disaster preventive forests, resulting in presentations and publications, autumn 2022.
Amount: £3,000
Recipient: Mente, Ms Eleni
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Royal Collection Trust
Travel support for Kazumi Murose to travel to London to record a film demonstrating how urushi lacquer is applied and decorated, and to contribute to the Royal Collection Trust’s Learning Programme for Japan: Courts and Culture which will run at The Queen's Gallery, Buckingham Palace, 8 April 2022 to 12 March 2023.
Amount: £2,000
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Ruskin Mill Land Trust (Gloucestershire)
Travel support by one of the participating Japanese artists giving masterclasses at the 2022 International Festival of Glass, which has as its theme Contemporary Glass and Culture from the East, allowing visitors to sample regional food, design, and music - as well as a contribution to the transport of artwork, August 2022.
Amount: £5,000
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Saitama University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Travel support for Japan-based academics to participate in an international workshop marking the bicentennial of the publication of Joseph Fourier's Theorie analytique de la chaleur which has had a profound effect on science and engineering, 27 June to 1 July 2022 at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) in Edinburgh.
Amount: £2,700
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Scottish Society for Art History (SSAH)
Support for venue costs associated with a two-day conference organised by SSAH in partnership with the National Museum of Japanese History exploring cultural connections between the visual and material cultures of Scotland and Japan, 10 to 11 February 2022.
Amount: £3,000
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to South Eastern Regional College (SERC)
Travel support for five students and staff from Toyama Minami Senior High School to travel to Northern Ireland to collaborate on a project-based learning project on tourism, and to develop cultural and language awareness in Japan and Northern Ireland, September 2022.
Amount: £6,750
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to State of Trust (Stephen Marshall + Deborah Baddoo)
Travel support for Stephen Marshall and Deborah Baddoo to travel to Japan to further their research into jazz dance in Tokyo and Sendai, through interviews with 20 key Japanese dancers and musicians, and focusing on the history and development of jazz dance in the US, UK and Japan via talks and dance presentations in the run-up to the Jozenji Street Jazz Festival in Sendai, 2022.
Amount: £4,000
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Stick Vox Klavier
Travel support for composer, percussionist and marimbist Dr Alejandro Viñao to perform at Kanagawa Prefectural Hall, Munestugu Hall (Nagoya) and Suntory Hall (Tokyo), and to host master classes at Kunitachi College of Music, Aichi University of the Arts and Tokyo University of the Arts, 2022.
Amount: £2,450
Recipient: Stick Vox Klavier
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined