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Your search ‘’ returned 303 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
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Total grants: 303
Total amount: £76,926,501
Funders: 1
Recipient organisations: 1
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 25 Oct 2005
Latest grant: 30 Sep 2023

Search results (Displaying 303 grants - page 1 of 16)

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The molecular mechanisms of structural conversion and toxicity in amyloid disease.
Despite the importance of amyloid disorders in today s population, attempts to inhibit the progress of amyloidosis have met with limited success. New therapeutic strategies require the structure, stability and dynamics of every species populated during assembly to be determined and the effects of individual species on cellular function deduced. Here we propose to combine biophysical, biochemical … more
Amount: £925,927
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
"3rd Annual History of Science, Technology and Medicine Postgraduate Workshop" to be held at the University of Leeds on 22-24 June 2010
The workshop, which will last three days, aims to improve the academic skills and network of postgraduates through discussion of their work and specific training sessions with senior scholars. On day one there will be presentations by nine PhD students - three each from the Universities of Leeds, Cambridge and Aarhus - split into three sessions, each consisting of three twenty minute presentation… more
Amount: £400
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Mechanisms regulating movement and force generation by cytoplasmic dynein.
The goal of this proposal is to gain a mechanistic understanding of how cytoplasmic dynein, the large microtubule-based motor protein, is regulated to produce essential movement of cargo towards the cell interior (towards the microtubule minus-end). An initial step in many dynein transport events is its targeting to the plus-ends of microtubules, which grow and shrink near the cell periphery. Her… more
Amount: £250,000
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Amount: £250,000
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
You are what you ate: food lessons from the past
How did food affect our ancestors? How can we learn from the past to improve our health? This project encourages discussion of modern nutrition in the Yorkshire region by presenting archaeological, visual and textual evidence from the medieval and early-modern periods (12th-17th centuries) to initiate debate and reflection on eating behaviours. Through innovative schools and youth activities, exh… more
Amount: £176,725
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
You Are What You Ate: Food Lessons from the Past - Extension.
How did food affect our ancestors? How can we learn from the past to improve our health? This project encourages discussion of modern nutrition in the Yorkshire region by presenting archaeological, visual and textual evidence from the medieval and early-modern periods (12th-17th centuries) to initiate debate and reflection on eating behaviours. Through innovative schools and youth activities, exh… more
Amount: £15,059
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Structural and functional analyses of the bunyavirus ribonucleoprotein complex.
The Bunyaviridae family are a diverse group of over 350 RNA viruses classified into five genera, namely Hantavirus, Orthobunyavirus, Phlebovirus, Nairovirus and Tospovirus. Many bunyaviruses are important pathogens of humans, animals and plants for which preventative or therapeutic treatments are unavailable. Bunyavirus pathogenesis depends on formation of the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex, in … more
Amount: £228,391
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Philosophy in Research Ethics.
Philosophy in Research Ethics will initiate a structured discussion of distinctively philosophical issues around research ethics and ethics review. There is currently no group regularly working on these issues. The conference is intended to be the first of a regular series of events and so the essential first step in consolidating the theoretical basis in which research ethics is considered and e… more
Amount: £1,215
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
The molecular mechanism of active nucleoside transport across biological membranes.
Nucleoside transporters are essential for the salvage synthesis of nucleotides by many cell types, and for the efficient uptake of hydrophilic nucleoside drugs. By regulating the extracellular concentrations of adenosine and other nucleosides, they also modulate numerous physiological processes, ranging from cardiovascular activity to lipolysis. Elucidating their molecular mechanisms is therefore… more
Amount: £724,098
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Switchable Nanostructured Surfaces as a Sophisticated Tool for Cell Biologists.
This proposal is for the development of Switchable Nanostructured Surfaces. These are molecularly well-defined surfaces, which in a highly controlled way can dynamically present biological regulatory signals and stimuli to a cell with nanometre localised resolution. We will exploit principles of self-assembly, molecular shape change and nanofabrication to engineer the tunable biological nanoscale… more
Amount: £146,176
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
'Angels and Adventuresses: Images and Experiences of First World War Nurses' to be held at the Wellcome Trust Conference Centre 9-10th September 2010
The workshop aims to bring together 13 world-class academics in the fields of history and literary studies. Each has already published scholarly work in the area of First World War nursing, and has a recognized reputation for work in this field. Working within different disciplines, however, these researchers have rarely (if at all) had opportunities to interact, debate and discuss their approach… more
Amount: £4,991
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Super-resolution imaging of the Z-disc in muscle.
Skeletal and cardiac muscle fibres contain longitudinal arrays of myofibrils built from repeating muscle sarcomeres, each of which is about 2.5 microns long. Z-discs, present at the ends of each sarcomere, are a major organizational and signaling centre for proteins in the muscle sarcomere. The goal of this research is to use a novel high-resolution light microscopy approach (PALM, or photo-activ… more
Amount: £26,943
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
New infrastructure for EM studies at the University of Leeds.
Electron microscopy is a major tool in structural biology. The EM unit within the Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology at the University of Leeds operates a modern FEI T-F20 microscope for high-resolution work. For preliminary cryo-EM studies we rely on a JEOL 1200EX electron microscope that is now > 20 years old, and becoming increasingly difficult and expensive to maintain. Furtherm… more
Amount: £364,689
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Amount: £5,150
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Amount: £135,946
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
New insights into the generic on of mechanism of amyloid formation by comparison of amyloidogenic proteins from the same folding family.
Amyloid diseases pose an enormous threat to human health. While Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are the two most common neuropathological disorders, the most common type of systemic amyloidosis is antibody light chain (LC) amyloidosis (AL)1. In this disorder intact LC, or their fragments, form aggregates in the kidneys, liver, heart and peripheral nerve system with fatal consequences1. AL am… more
Amount: £135,946
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
RNA structure and its influence on the assembly of single-stranded RNA viruses.
Single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses are one of the largest classes of viruses, including many human and animal pathogens: e.g. HIV, HCV, Norwalk virus1, picornaviruses like poliovirus1, rhinovirus1, equine rhinitis A virus (ERAV)2,3 and Foot-and-Mouth Disease virus4, as well as plant viruses such as Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus (TBSV)5 and Turnip Crinkle Virus (TCV)6-9 and bacteriophages like MS210-1… more
Amount: £135,946
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Characterisation of MINA, an interaction partner of the Kaposi's Sarcoma-associated Herpes Virus ORF57 protein.
Kaposi's Sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) ORF57 protein is conserved in all herpesviruses and is an essential regulator of gene expression implicated in many roles during infection. We have recently identified a novel cellular interaction partner of ORF57: MINA (myc-induced nuclear antigen with 53kDa), however the function of MINA is poorly understood. Therefore to understand the role of the… more
Amount: £135,946
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Investigating Protein interactions in Alzheimer's Disease.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, it affects over 24.3 million people worldwide with 4.6 million new cases diagnosed each year [1]. Since the number of people suffering with AD is expected to double every 20 years [1], AD represents one of the most pressing health concerns in an aging population. There are currently no effective treatments for AD which makes insight i… more
Amount: £135,946
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Development and validation of a blood-based screening test for malignant hyperthermia.
The purpose of this research is to develop a messenger RNA expression-based screening blood test, potentially applicable to all patients requiring surgery under general anaesthesia, that will identify individuals at risk of developing malignant hyperthermia (MH), a potentially fatal pharmacogenetic reaction to commonly used anaesthetic drugs. The principle we are testing is that transcriptional c… more
Amount: £305,864
Recipient: University of Leeds
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined