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Your search ‘’ returned 12 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 12
Total amount: £992,549
Funders: 4
Recipient organisations: 1
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 12 Jul 2005
Latest grant: 26 May 2023

Search results (Displaying 12 grants - page 1 of 1)

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Ethnic Minorities Sewing Enterprise
This organisation aims to help people suffering from mental disabilities, and this vocational project specifically caters for Bangladeshi men experiencing mental health distress. They would like funds to provide Bangladeshi folk music sessions, purchasing a number of traditional & contemporary instruments and funding a music tutor.
Amount: £5,000
Recipient: Working Well
Region: London
District: Newham
Nexus - Bangladeshi community with mental health issues (Dev)
The project will reduce the social isolation of Bangladeshi people with mental health support needs living in Tower Hamlets. A minibus and travel training service will be provided to encourage social integration, They will also work with mental health professionals and non-mental health voluntery sector organisations to raise awareness of the needs of the Bangladeshi community. The organisation will map provision and identify gaps so as to make more effective use of resources.
Amount: £215,181
Recipient: Working Well
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets
Coronavirus Community Support Fund
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public services.2) To ensure essential services are provided to vulnerable people, both in the short and long term through increased community support through the work of charitable organisations."
Amount: £53,014
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets
Working Well Trust
The funding is for a review of the issues preventing career progression for people with mental health and to establish employer models of good practice covering employer engagement, organisational change and client support.
Amount: £87,000
Recipient: Working Well Trust
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets
Working Well Trust
The funding is for the continuation of our current Trust for London funded work, advocating for and supporting the career progression of individuals in low paid roles / with mental health to work that is better paid and more suited to their needs.
Amount: £70,000
Recipient: Working Well Trust
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets
Working Well Trust
This is a cost of living uplift for grant reference 360G-trustforlondon-MAIN-S2-05.10.2021-9320
Amount: £7,000
Recipient: Working Well Trust
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets
Grant to Working Well Trust
Women's Employment and Wellbeing Project
Amount: £60,000
Recipient: Working Well Trust
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets
Access print, copy and design
This is a project by a charity in Tower Hamlets. The group will use the funding to purchase creative design and print finishing equipment for their vocational rehabilitation project for people recovering from mental ill health. This will increase the capacity of the group allowing them to become a sustainable social enterprise, providing beneficiaries with commercial work that will develop their confidence, self esteem and overall life skills.
Amount: £4,651
Recipient: Working Well
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets
REWork And Retention (REWARd) Project
A project to provide an employment support service to people with enduring and severe mental health problems in Tower Hamlets. The service will support with job searches, applying for work, job interviews and will also help beneficiaries to find voluntary placements and education/training positions. The scheme will provide in-work support with employers and co-workers to help beneficiaries develop a long term career. The project will support 390 beneficiaries.
Amount: £462,585
Recipient: Working Well
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets
Rework Welcome Mentors
The project will develop a peer support group for people who have lived with mental health issues. The aim is to support people in finding and maintaining employment.
Amount: £9,876
Recipient: Working Well Trust
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets
WoRking well trust IT suitE service (e-WRITE) Project
The group will run IT classes for people with mental health issues to help them develop workplace skills and help reduce social isolation.
Amount: £8,574
Recipient: Working Well
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets
Community Access
The funding will be used to develop referral pathways model between BAME community groups in Tower Hamlets and community mental health support services. The project aims to enable them to identify unmet needs across the BAME community and encourage people to access the opportunities available to them locally.
Amount: £9,668
Recipient: Working Well Trust
Region: London
District: Tower Hamlets