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Your search ‘’ returned 29 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 29
Total amount: £1,005,503
Funders: 10
Recipient organisations: 1
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 20 Aug 2004
Latest grant: 01 Feb 2024

Search results (Displaying 29 grants - page 1 of 2)

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Grant to Reducing the Risk of Domestic Abuse
Funding was awarded for an emergency fund to support victims at high risk of significant physical abuse or emotional trauma or suicide
Amount: £1,500
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Grant to Home Start Oxford
Funding was awarded to recruit 15 volunteers and provide two 8 week training courses for all new recruit
Amount: £7,266
Recipient: Home Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Bicester Expansion Project
This project will deliver befriending and support services to families with young children in the Bicester area by recruiting extra staff and volunteers, and continuing the previous Community Fund project run by Home-Start Bicester.
Amount: £103,406
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Set up costs of two new groups
This group will set up a weekly 'New Babies Club' to offer friendly and informal support and advice to new and young families. It will also start up a Post-Natal Depression Support Group run by a counselling psychologist and open to anyone in Oxford suffering from this form of depression. Both projects aim to reduce social isolation, develop skills, raise self-confidence and improve quality of life of the families.
Amount: £3,647
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
To provide home visiting volunteers to families with support needs.
This project has two strands. It aims to expand its current service which covers Oxford & its environs, reducing waiting times by increasing the pool of volunteers. In year 2 it will develop a new service in West Oxfordshire. The money is for the salaries of two full time co-ordinators, two part-time administrative assistants and associated costs including: recruitment, rent, general running expenses, producing information, training, travel, professional fees and office equipment.
Amount: £78,836
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Towards training to increase volunteer capacity in supporting families
Towards training to increase volunteer capacity in supporting families rebuilding their lives after domestic abuse.
Amount: £780
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Towards staffing costs
Towards staffing costs.
Amount: £500
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Empowering Mums in Complex Needs Families
Empowering Mums in Complex Needs Families
Amount: £9,935
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Grant to Home Start Oxford
Funding was awarded to recruit 15 volunteers and provide two 8 week training courses for all new recruits.
Amount: £7,704
Recipient: Home Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Grant to Home-Start Oxford
Grant to Home-Start Oxford
Amount: £37,974
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Grant to Home-Start Oxford
Grant to Home-Start Oxford to support the organisation through COVID19
Amount: £6,541
Funder: CAF
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Undetermined
Grant to Home Start Oxford
Funding was awarded to recruit 15 volunteers and provide two 8 week training courses for all new recruits.
Amount: £7,820
Recipient: Home Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Meeting unmet need
We have an ambitious 3 year plan. This includes expansion of our core volunteer family support services and developing a unique specialist support group for parents and young children who have experienced domestic abuse. We are well placed to meet this need and grow our capacity. However, we cannot expand our volunteer team, supporter or referral numbers effectively with current systems. To achieve our vision, we need a ‘step change’ in 1. Communications 2. Infrastructure
Amount: £57,380
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Grant to Home-Start Oxford
Grant to Home-Start Oxford
Amount: £37,974
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Tampon Tax Community Fund
The mothers we support will have improved well-being, and ability to cope. They will have support and an advocate to help address their mental health, addiction, abuse, finance or housing difficulties which will improve their physical and mental health. The encouragement of a trusted professional friend means mothers develop the self-worth and confidence to make positive choices - e.g. of partner… more
Amount: £9,935
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Outreach to Vulnerable families in Oxford
This is an expansion of a project which has run since 1984 in Oxford. It will continue the Home-Start package of support services, where families with at least one child under the age of five will be paired with an experienced volunteer who will offer support including friendship, a listening ear, emotional and practical help with maintaining a home and parenting. The project will increase the volunteer base enabling the project to target specific geographical areas to reach new beneficiaries.
Amount: £179,748
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Step Up: stronger systems and an expanded service for Home-Start Oxford
The project will use funding to improve its online systems for its family support service. The project aims to meet the demand of people using the service and ensure it runs more efficiently.
Amount: £10,000
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Nurturing Families with Complex Needs Project
fund a Family Support Worker (FSW) who is matched with vulnerable families, for 12 hours per week.
Amount: £5,000
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Grant to Home-Start Oxford
towards three years‘ running costs of a project providing group support sessions for families with young children, impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, in Oxford, Oxfordshire.
Amount: £58,000
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: Oxford
Grant to Home-Start Oxford
This project will provide weekly support for families experiencing complex needs and parenting issues with very young children. Children will feel happier, have improved communication skills and better family relationships.
Amount: £78,265
Recipient: Home-Start Oxford
Region: South East
District: West Oxfordshire