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Your search ‘’ returned 13 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
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Total grants: 13
Total amount: £1,449,188
Funders: 5
Recipient organisations: 1
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 09 Nov 2011
Latest grant: 15 Dec 2022

Search results (Displaying 13 grants - page 1 of 1)

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Grant to Action on Postpartum Psychosis
Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) is the only UK charity dedicated to supporting women and families affected by postpartum psychosis. APP provides peer support, specialist information, challenges stigma, raises awareness and conducts research to better understand the illness. It supports 200 active forum users and 20 one-to-one email users each month. 90% of APP's beneficiaries have reported t… more
Amount: £30,000
Funder: The Fore
Region: West Midlands
District: Undetermined
Women Side by Side
We will train two Peer Support Coordinators with lived experience of Postpartum Psychosis to build a Postpartum Psychosis community in South Wales. One will be employed for 1 day per week, and one will be a contract worker providing support as needed. We will run a peer support group in the deprived Aneurin Bevan University Health Board area of South Wales, which will be open to all affected wome… more
Amount: £24,968
Region: West Midlands
District: Birmingham
RAFT COVID-19 response grant to Action on Postpartum Psychosis
Grant from The Fore's RAFT Immediate Response Fund to Action on Postpartum Psychosis, as part of The Fore's COVID-19 Response programme.
Amount: £5,000
Funder: The Fore
Region: West Midlands
District: Undetermined
The Postpartum Psychosis Network
This new project by Action on Postpartum Psychosis consolidates past work on a website and aims to provide reliable and updated information for women experiencing postpartum psychosis, a severe form of postnatal mental illness, as well as partners, families and friends, journalists and health professionals. The current website will be developed into a fully populated central information resource providing films, stories, experiences and artworks of women who have experienced the condition.
Amount: £267,694
Region: East Midlands
District: Derby
Postpartum Psychosis Lived Experience Leaders
This project is to support Action on Postpartum Psychosis to provide training and support to three national programme leaders who work to help women and families affected by postpartum psychosis through peer support, advising frontline health professionals and pushing to co-produced service improvements in local areas. Funding will also be used to relieve the working burden on programme leaders by training an assistant co-ordinator to provide cover during holidays and period of illness.
Amount: £40,128
Region: West Midlands
District: Birmingham
MMHA - additional capacity
In 2013 Comic Relief awarded funding to Action on Postpartum Psychosis on behalf of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) to: raise the profile of perinatal mental illness; improve commissioning in this area; and ensure that women from across the UK have equal access to good care and treatment. The long term aim is to achieve parity between mental and physical health care at this crucial tim… more
Amount: £47,193
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Everyone’s Business Campaign Phase 2
To enable the Maternal Mental Health Alliance Everyone’s Business campaign to embark on Part 2 - Turn the Map Green - to expand its activities at a local level (whilst consolidating its presence at a national level) to ensure the current postcode lottery for women requiring specialist perinatal mental health services comes to an end by 2020 (in line with the Everyone’s Business campaign’s Call to… more
Amount: £750,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Action on Postpartum Psychosis Recovery Funding
COVID19 - Additional social media support - Additional peer support coordinator time for our Peer Support Assistant Coordinator, a BAME Peer Support and a Partner?s Peer Support Coordinator- Training costs for a group of partner volunteersWe are awaiting the outcome of another funding request which included the salary of one of our Peer Support Coordinators (4 days per week), some hours of an Ass… more
Amount: £21,302
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
APP Regional Representatives Project
This project will establish Regional Representatives with experience of Postpartum Psychosis (PP) in the 6 UK priority regions, enhancing community based support and knowledge. Volunteers will act as a catalyst to: raise awareness; increase knowledge; reduce stigma; reduce isolation; and increase access to support for affected women and families.
Amount: £184,903
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: England
District: Undetermined
Establishing a quality mark framework
The grant made to the Maternal Mental Health Alliance (via Action on Post-Partum Psychosis) is to oversee the development of a quality standard framework for peer support interventions in the perinatal mental health sector.
Amount: £21,000
Funder: Comic Relief
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Rosa Fund, Tampon Tax
To increase the capacity and sustainability of the organisation (APP) and improve the quality of support offered. The hours of existing peer support coordinators and one coordinator with lived experience will be increased. 100 women will benefit from this increased capacity and quality of service.
Amount: £25,000
Region: West Midlands
District: Birmingham
VftF R5-ACTPP-2022
£7,000 has been awarded to Action on Postpartum Psychosis to end the postcode lottery for specialist treatment for postpartum psychosis. The project will train service users in peer support and storytelling to inform campaigning for more mother and baby units.
Amount: £7,000
Funder: Rosa UK
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
W2W R2-ACTPP-2017
This grant will increase capacity and sustainability of the organisation (APP) and improve the quality of support offered. The hours of existing peer support coordinators and one coordinator with lived experience will be increased. This will improve the service offered to women with Postpartum Psychosis including social gatherings, information and signposting. The coordinators will be able to att… more
Amount: £25,000
Funder: Rosa UK
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined