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Your search ‘’ returned 16 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 16
Total amount: £2,176,072
Funders: 3
Recipient organisations: 1
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 24 Aug 2001
Latest grant: 22 Jun 2018

Search results (Displaying 16 grants - page 1 of 1)

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This project is a community based education programme for disadvantaged and vulnerable young people that will enable them to make more informed decisions about relationships, emotions and sex. The programme will consist of weekly interactive workshops over a period of six to eight weeks. The workshops will be needs led and person-centred and will cover a range of topics including sexuality, sexual behaviour, pregnancy and relationships. The grant will cover the costs of two project workers.
Amount: £224,906
Recipient: FPA
Region: Scotland
District: Glasgow City
There is no project name available for this record
The Speakeasy project will improve the sexual health and well-being of young people and their families by training parents to become confident and accredited sex educators. The three year grant will pay for salaries, recruitment, running expenses, producing information, training, travel, overhead line management and accommodation costs and accreditation costs.
Amount: £174,646
Recipient: FPA
Region: London
District: Islington
Sexuality & Learning Disability Project
This new project will enable the Family Planning Association to improve the sexual health of people with learning disabilities and enable them to both establish and maintain good relationships. The grant, over two years, will support the salary of a f/t project officer, recruitment, general running expenses, producing information, training and travel for staff and volunteers, an external evaluati… more
Amount: £118,932
Recipient: FPA
District: Belfast
Salaries of two full-time Project Officers
The grant will be used to support the 'Bout Ye' project to increase sexual health awareness among disadvantaged young men. The project includes assertiveness skills sessions and advice and support on a range of issues including substance abuse, violence, peer pressure, crime and unsafe sex. The project will target young men who have missed out on education and family support. The two-year grant will be used for salaries and running costs.
Amount: £76,577
Recipient: FPA
District: Belfast
Family Planning Association was established in 1931 to advance the sexual health and reproductive rights and choices of all people throughout the UK. This development project will increase the knowledge of parents on issues of sexual health to increase their confidence to positively discuss sex related issues. The project will establish parent groups peer educators in London, North West and the North East and provide accreditation through the Open College Network.
Amount: £482,526
Recipient: FPA
Region: London
District: Islington
Interactive CD Rom for people with learning disabilities
The organisation is established to promote good health, both mental and physical and prevent poor sexual health. The project will contribute to the costs of producing a CD Rom.
Amount: £10,000
Recipient: FPA
District: Belfast
This project will help parents, carers and family members to participate effectively in their children's sex and relationships education. The project will work with 920 parents and carers, over three years. The grant will fully fund the full time salary of a new assistant project manager and three project officers, staff training and travel, premises expenses, design and printing, crèche costs.
Amount: £580,657
Recipient: FPA
Region: London
District: Islington
Safer Sexual Health Choices for Homeless Young People
This project will provide sexual health information and guidance to young homeless people. The project will be based in the offices of Centrepoint and deliver a sexual health module on the Independent Living Skills qualification. Young homeless people have a significantly higher chance of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, are less likely to access care through statutory services and … more
Amount: £334,428
Recipient: FPA
Region: London
District: Islington
Redesign of sexual health and relationships leaflet for young people
This is a project by a charity in Islington, serving beneficiaries throughout England. The group will use the funding to update and redesign their sexual health information leaflets. This will enable the group to provide the beneficiaries with up to date sexual health information and ensure that the information is relevant.
Amount: £9,192
Recipient: FPA
Region: London
District: Islington
All about Us
The organisation, which promotes good mental and physical health, both and works to prevent poor sexual health, will use the grant to develop a health promotion CD for people with specific communication needs.
Amount: £10,000
Recipient: FPA
District: Belfast
Produce a booklet on Female Genital Mutilation - 'Keeping Secrets'
The group will produce a new booklet on Female Genital Mutilation aimed at children aged nine to eleven; it will be sensitively written booklet to help them speak to parents, teachers and health professionals.
Amount: £9,500
Recipient: FPA
Region: London
District: Islington
Advocating for reproductive rights in Northern Ireland
to employ a part time Policy Officer to further influence political and public opinion and attitudes to girls' and women's reproductive rights
Amount: £20,000
Funder: JRSST-CT
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Women's Reproductive Rights in NI
to continue campaigning and lobbying local MLA's and Political Parties on the issue of abortion in NI
Amount: £44,452
Funder: JRSST-CT
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Advocacy Officer
to advance the issue of women's reproductive rights in Northern Ireland
Amount: £34,140
Funder: JRSST-CT
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Advocacy Officer
to advance the issue of women's reproductive rights in Northern Ireland
Amount: £25,070
Funder: JRSST-CT
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to The Family Planning Association
Family Planning Association Archive
Amount: £21,046
Region: London
District: Camden