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Your search ‘’ returned 18 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 18
Total amount: £17,967,438
Funders: 2
Recipient organisations: 1
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 22 Jul 1997
Latest grant: 24 Nov 2023

Search results (Displaying 18 grants - page 1 of 1)

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Dundee Gaelic Day
A' cur fèis Ghàidhlig air dòigh ann an Dùn Dè le diofar tachartasan do dhaoine aig diofar aoisean / Arranging a Gaelic festival in Dundee with different events for people of all ages
Amount: £3,500
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Gaelic Awareness-raising in Dundee City Council
Sreath de sheiseanan togail mothachaidh airson buill thaghte agus luchd-obrach Comhairle Baile Dhùn Dè, a’ gabhail a-steach an fheadhainn a bhios a’ dèiligeadh ris a’ phoball no aig a bheil cur-a-steach ann am poileasaidh a bharrachd air riochdairean bho sgoiltean agus an fheadhainn a tha an sàs ann an ealain is cultar
Amount: £2,500
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Dundee's Gaelic / Gàidhlig Dhùn Dè
Dundee’s Gaelic/Gàidhlig Dhùn Dè will be a series of classes and resources which will be delivered to grow the use and understanding of Gaelic in Dundee. The project aims not only to deliver Gaelic language classes and events to increase the use of Gaelic, but to set that in the context of why Gaelic is important to Dundee and Dundonians and that Gaelic has been an integral part of our city’s cul… more
Amount: £5,500
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Baxter Park, Dundee
Amount: £3,252,000
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Wighton Heritage Centre for Scottish Music
Amount: £162,000
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Dundee, Baxter Park, Restoration
Amount: £7,550
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Camperdown House, Dundee - Conservation Plan
Amount: £27,000
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Dundee's Environmental Stocktake
Amount: £30,000
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Mills Observatory - Space for Everyone
Amount: £50,000
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Amount: £44,500
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council & Heritage Department
Museum Community Liaison Partnership Project
Amount: £27,800
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Broughty Castle Museum - Bringing Heritage to Life
Amount: £50,000
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Dundee City Council Will Use Their Award To Hold A Street Party To Celebrate The End Of The Second World War. An Exhibition Will Be Also Be Created To Mark The Progress Of The War In Scotland And The End Of Hostilities.
Amount: £488
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Hird Bridge, Balgay Refurbishment
Amount: £50,000
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Dynamic Dundee - A History of a City
Amount: £48,900
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Amount: £14,100,000
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Amount: £24,900
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City
Grant to Dundee City Council
Dundee Law Heritage Project
Amount: £80,800
Region: Scotland
District: Dundee City