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Your search ‘’ returned 11 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 11
Total amount: £623,290
Funders: 3
Recipient organisations: 1
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 08 Dec 2004
Latest grant: 07 Dec 2023

Search results (Displaying 11 grants - page 1 of 1)

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Gaelic Steps
A' cur seiseanan air-loidhne air dòigh do luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha cleachdadh Duolingo gus an ghabh còmhraidhean a chumail sa Ghàidhlig / Arranging online sessions for learners using Duolingo to allow for conversations in Gaelic
Amount: £3,000
Recipient: Comhairle Moireibh
Region: Scotland
District: Moray
Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2024
Moray Gaelic Group and UHI Moray will facilitate a programme that supports learners, speakers and people interested in Gaelic history and culture.
Amount: £500
Recipient: Comhairle Moireibh
Region: Scotland
District: Moray
Ceum air Adhart 2022-2023
A' cumail clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig airson gum faigh daoine cothroman cleachdaidh ann an sgìre Morieibh / Holding Gaelic classes and events to provide usage opportunities in Moray
Amount: £2,990
Recipient: Comhairle Moireibh
Region: Scotland
District: Moray
Plana Gàidhlig 2023-2024
The project will benefit all Gaelic stakeholders across Moray from people interested in learning the language and fluent speakers to those interested more of the cultural side.A series of Gaelic author inputs, the monthly strupag class and hopefully a conversation class for beginners should build confidence in using the language.Celebratory events of the children's films and fun days will highlig… more
Amount: £5,000
Recipient: Comhairle Moireibh
Region: Scotland
District: Moray
Moray Gaelic Week 2023
Moray Gaelic Week 2023
Amount: £500
Recipient: Comhairle Moireibh
Region: Scotland
District: Moray
Grant to The Moray Council
Castle to Cathedral to Cashmere
Amount: £78,000
Recipient: The Moray Council
Region: Scotland
District: Moray
Grant to The Moray Council
Discover Moray’s Great Places
Amount: £74,000
Recipient: The Moray Council
Region: Scotland
District: Moray
Amount: £50,000
Recipient: The Moray Council
Region: Scotland
District: Moray
Grant to The Moray Council
Moray's Telford Celebration
Amount: £36,400
Recipient: The Moray Council
Region: Scotland
District: Moray
Grant to The Moray Council
The Battle o' the Brig
Amount: £19,400
Recipient: The Moray Council
Region: Scotland
District: Moray
Grant to The Moray Council
The Falconer Museum
Amount: £353,500
Recipient: The Moray Council
Region: Scotland
District: Moray