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Your search ‘’ returned 35 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 35
Total amount: £1,851,037
Funders: 5
Recipient organisations: 1
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 23 Apr 2007
Latest grant: 22 Mar 2024

Search results (Displaying 35 grants - page 1 of 2)

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Grant to Ealain Tìr a' Mhurain
We would like to run a week-long festival for children aged 5-18, where they can take part in Gaelic cultural and musical activities.
Amount: £3,502
Region: Scotland
District: Na h-Eileanan Siar
We would like to continue to provide quality tuition in traditional music and sports for local children to maintain our island culture.
Amount: £2,992
Region: Scotland
District: Na h-Eileanan Siar
Grant to Ealain Tir A' Mhurain
Enable local children to learn about their culture & heritage in a fun, engaging way - giving hope for a bright future for Gaelic traditions
Amount: £3,834
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Grant to Feisean Nan Gaidheal
We want to provide accessible professional music tuition to children age 8-18 of all musical abilities.
Amount: £5,217
Region: Scotland
District: Na h-Eileanan Siar
Grant to Feisean nan Gaidheal
Enable local children to access expert musical tuition which may not otherwise be available to them, building skills and confidence.
Amount: £1,608
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Grant to Feis Latharna
We want to buy two sets of bagpipes to be used by learners who would not otherwise be able to afford them.
Amount: £1,397
Recipient: Feis Latharna
Region: Scotland
District: Argyll and Bute
General operating support 2022 - 2024
Unrestricted funds over two years to support Fèisean nan Gàidheal's work to support Gaelic arts youth tuition festivals around Scotland. Made in response to a proposal to support their Fèis Grants Scheme, which re-grants funds on to local Fèisean - it is expected some or all of the grant will be used for this purpose.
Amount: £60,000
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Fèisean nan Gàidheal 2020/21
Taic agus leasachadh a thoirt air roinn na nan ealain traidiseanta tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Providing support and development in the traditional arts sector through the medium of Gaelic
Amount: £145,600
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Oifigear Leasachaidh nan Eilean Siar
A' fastadh oifigear leasachaidh anns na h-Eileanan an Iar airson taic a chumail ri Fèisean ionadail san sgìre / Hiring a development officer in the Western Isles to support local Fèisean in the area
Amount: £40,000
Region: Scotland
District: Na h-Eileanan Siar
Fèisean nan Gàidheal 2021/22
Taic agus leasachadh a thoirt air roinn na nan ealain traidiseanta tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Providing support and development in the traditional arts sector through the medium of Gaelic
Amount: £145,600
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
A' toirt deugairean bho Alba, Èirinn is Alba Nuadh còmhla air-loidhne gus taisbeanadh sgeulachdan, ceòl is òrain a chur ri chèile / Bringing together teenagers from Scotland, Ireland and Nova Scotia online to showcase stories, music and song
Amount: £8,000
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Fèisean nan Gàidheal 2018/19
Taic agus leasachadh a thoirt air roinn na nan ealain traidiseanta tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Providing support and development in the traditional arts sector through the medium of Gaelic
Amount: £124,000
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Guth nan Gàidheal
A' cur turas iomlaid air dòigh do luchd-ealain òg bho Alba is Èirinn airson a bhith faotainn anns na cànanan eadar-dhealaichte aca / Arranging an exchange trip for young artists from Scotland and Ireland to immerse themselves in each others' languages
Amount: £7,000
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Fèisean nan Gàidheal 2019/20
Taic agus leasachadh a thoirt air roinn na nan ealain traidiseanta tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Providing support and development in the traditional arts sector through the medium of Gaelic
Amount: £140,000
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Guth nan Gael
Deireadh-seachdain cultarail a chur air dòigh ann an Uibhist a Deas a tha a’ toirt còmhla luchd-ealain òga à Èirinn agus Alba / Hosting a cultural weekend in South Uist bringing together young artists from Ireland and Scotland
Amount: £7,000
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Fèisean nan Gàidheal 2016/17
Cùmhnant Bhliadhnail 2016-17
Amount: £124,000
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
5 Latha nan Oileanach
5 Latha nan Oileanach / 5 Student Days
Amount: £13,604
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Dràma air chuairt
Sgioba air an rathad leis an dealbh-cluiche eadar 5-9 Sultain mar phàirt de Bhlas 2017
Amount: £20,456
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Fèis TV
Fèis TV airson cothrom a thoirt a bhith a’ craobh-sgaoileadh tachartasan beò bho Blas
Amount: £9,500
Region: Scotland
District: Highland
Guth nan Gael
A’ toirt còmhla neach-ciùil òg, fileanta sa Ghàidhlig agus Gaeilge eadar sia-deug agus ochd-deug aig a bheil ùidh ann a bhith a’ leasachadh an sgilean cànain tro shreath de bhùthan-obrach, chuairtean cultarail agus thaisbeanaidhean.
Amount: £6,000
Region: Scotland
District: Highland