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Your search ‘’ returned 32 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 32
Total amount: £630,476
Funders: 3
Recipient organisations: 1
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 25 May 2004
Latest grant: 21 Oct 2023

Search results (Displaying 32 grants - page 1 of 2)

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Education Equipment Project
This group provides support and advice to people, their families or carers, who are affected by Parkinson's Disease. An award would be used to purchase a laptop and ICT equipment, so that the group can give appropriate talks to care homes, families and other relevant groups.
Amount: £1,975
Region: South East
District: Milton Keynes
There is no project name available for this record
This group provide a social, educational and recreational facility for sufferers of Parkinsons Disease and their families. The funds are to cover instructors and therapists' fees for 30 weeks yoga and tai chi, venue hire, transport to and from the venue for disabled members and administration costs.
Amount: £9,840
Region: Scotland
District: South Ayrshire
Reaching Out
This charity will produce an information pack, detailing available services, to be distributed to a wide range of outlets, enabling recipients to become aware of the networks open to them, their carers and families. The project will improve participants access to the Community Support Worker who can refer patients to a range of appropriate agencies.
St. Helens Branch
This organisation offers care, support, information and activities to people living with Parkinson's Disease, their carers and families. This project is designed to recruit additional volunteers, which will in turn increase the number of people benefiting from the services on offer and enable the organisation to target beneficiaries at an earlier stage of their illness. Volunteers will also benefit from the opportunity to gain training and skills development.
Amount: £1,000
Region: North West
District: St. Helens
Providing a Trained Community Support Worker
The project will provide a trained community support worker to assist people in the Doncaster area who are affected by Parkinson's Disease.
Newsletter and Publicity
This group in a rural area currently has to borrow information technology equipment in order to produce their newsletter. New office and computer equipment will enable them to provide an improved service to their members and reach more, potential new members, though publicity.
Amount: £2,554
Region: East of England
District: Fenland
There is no project name available for this record
This mutual support group provides arts, recreational and exercise activities for people under 60 years of age who suffer from Parkinson's Disease and their carers. The award will fund a new programme of exercise and recreational activities including fees for swimming, aquatherapy and theraputic exercise sessions. Room hire for meetings, theatre and bowling tickets, transport costs.
Extended support service.
A project to provide a signposting service, information and emotional and practical support to people with Parkinson's Disease, their families and carers in South Birmingham._x000B_
Amount: £31,286
Region: London
District: Westminster
Exercise and Mobility Sessions
This local branch of the Parkinson's Disease Society to run a weekly exercise class for the first time with help from a Lottery award. This will give members the opportunity to take part in regular exercise which can help delay the progress of the condition. A grant will pay for a qualified instructor and venue hire.
Amount: £2,400
Region: South East
District: Hart
Holiday in Eastbourne
A project to improve the quality of life for older people living in Birmingham and suffering from Parkinson's Disease with the provision of a therapeutic residential break. The grant will contribute towards transport and accommodation for 40 members.
Amount: £4,800
Region: West Midlands
District: Birmingham
ALEX Project (Activities, Leisure and Exercise)
The project will provide a broad-ranging programme of exercises and social and leisure activities at the Bollington Leisure Centre in Macclesfield for people suffering from Parkinson's disease. Exercise is important for people with Parkinson's disease to help to maintain their mobility and those who suffer from speech inaudibility and loss of facial expression. Facilities offered include hydrotherapy, pilates, aerobic exercise, massage and reflexology.
Amount: £31,472
Region: London
District: Westminster
Yoga classes
A project to provide the opportunity for member of this Parkinson's Disease Society, based in Burton on Trent, to participate in complementery therapies. The grant will pay for tutor fees for 50 yoga sessions, room hire, 20 yoga mats and refreshments.
New armchairs
By providing furniture specifically capable of meeting members comfort and safety needs the group will improve their care and service for members at their regular meetings
Amount: £3,240
Region: East of England
District: Epping Forest
Dragon's Breath
This group will trial two types of voice activated software. As Parkinson's Disease progresses many people find it increasingly difficult to write, use a phone or a mouse and so voice activated software means they are able to use a computer to keep in touch by letter or email. The software will be demonstrated and tested by members for a period of 6 to 12 months. The results will be reported back… more
Amount: £4,417
Region: South East
District: Crawley
There is no project name available for this record
This group from Ayr provides opportunities for people diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease to meet and share information, provide support and socialise in a friendly environment. Grant will enable the group to organise a programme of therapy sessions for members. The grant will fund room hire, tutors fees and administration costs.
Amount: £4,755
Region: Scotland
District: South Ayrshire
Parkinson's Patient Support in Eden (ESG)
The Eden Support Group of the Parkinson's Disease Society will use an award to expand weekly exercise and physiotherapy classes, provide transport for members to venues, liaise with General Practitioners to highlight assistance and support available, and hold a Parkinson's Awareness Week.
Amount: £5,579
Region: North West
District: Eden
Characterisation and progression of sleep disturbances in Parkinson's Disea
In response to demand from people with Parkinson's, this organisation has commissioned pioneering research to measure over time the type, frequency and effects of sleep disorders in a group of around 240 newly diagnosed people with Parkinson's. The study seeks to discover if the presence of different types of sleep disorders can aid early accurate diagnosis of Parkinson's and other links. The re… more
Amount: £399,448
Region: London
District: Westminster
storage facilities
A project to enable this group which supports people with Parkinson's Disease in North Staffordshire to expand the range of activities they offer. The grant will pay for storage facilities, digital camera, tapestry activities, shop and show trips and bi-monthly luncheons.
Grant to Helensburgh & Dunbartonshire Parkinson's Support Group
We provide exercise classes and activities to improve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of people affected by Parkinson's.
Amount: £8,211
Region: Scotland
District: Perth and Kinross
Grant to LGS Parkinson's Support Group
We would like to continue to offer support and therapy to people affected by Parkinson’s Disease.
Amount: £2,615
Region: Scotland
District: Glasgow City