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Your search ‘’ returned 34 results in ‘All grant fields’
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Amount awarded
Date awarded
Total grants: 34
Total amount: £2,278,785
Funders: 13
Recipient organisations: 1
Recipient individuals: 0
Earliest grant: 13 Jul 2013
Latest grant: 12 Oct 2023

Search results (Displaying 34 grants - page 1 of 2)

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A grant to Equally Ours
An unrestricted grant of £25,000 for 3 years (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Equally Ours aims to increase public and political support for equality and human rights through capacity building and leading on the strategic communications within the UK.
Amount: £25,000
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Lambeth
A grant to Equally Ours
An unrestricted grant of £20,000. Equally Ours (previously the Equality and Diversity Forum) brings together people and organisations working across equality, human rights and social justice to make a reality of these in everyone’s lives.
Amount: £20,000
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Camden
Building public support for human rights
Equality and Diversity Forum (EDF) brings together people and organisations to join up research, policy and communications to shift public opinion and policy in positive ways. EDF will run a values-led attitudinal change campaign to explore how to increase public support for a human rights based approach to migration.
Amount: £60,000
Region: London
District: Camden
Core costs
Towards the core costs of a national network of organisations committed to equality, human rights and social justice, to join up research, policy and communications to shift public opinion and policy in positive ways
Amount: £105,000
Region: London
District: Camden
Protecting the rule of law for equality and human rights-
Strengthen a pan-equality civil society network on human rights protection in the UK through research and strategic communication, focussing on lived experience and evidence-based policy making.
Amount: £218,500
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Protecting the rule of law for equality and human rights
A programme of work to protect and enhance the rule of law through informing and advising policymakers of the equality and human rights implications of Covid-19, Brexit-related legislation and trade negotiations, the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the constitution, democracy and rights commission.
Amount: £110,000
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: Undetermined
District: Undetermined
Grant to Equally Ours
In support of the Funders for Race Equality Alliance
Amount: £9,000
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Lambeth
Equally Ours
The funding is for strengthening the voices of London’s civil society through an evidence-based and accessible strategic communications programme. It will equip organisations with the knowledge, skills, confidence and connections they need to use this powerful approach to help make a reality of equality and social justice in people’s lives.
Amount: £160,000
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Camden
Equally Ours
This is a cost of living uplift for grant reference 360G-trustforlondon-MAIN-S2-05.10.2021-9368
Amount: £16,000
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Camden
Equality and Diversity Forum
The funding is for strengthening the voices of Londons civil society, with a focus on Trust for London grantees, through a strategic communications programme that increases knowledge, skills and confidence to understand, engage and shift public and political attitudes on inequality, poverty and social justice.
Amount: £139,000
Region: London
District: Islington
Equally Ours
The funding is to find an evidence-based positive, inclusive and effective way of framing social security to help secure the policy recommendations in the Commission on Social Security’s white paper. This would ensure Londoners who don’t currently have a decent standard of living achieve better social security.
Amount: £32,950
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Islington
Core costs, including our national policy advocacy
Core costs, including our national policy advocacy
Amount: £140,000
Region: London
District: Camden
Community Engagement Project
Equally Ours brings together people and organisations working across equality human rights and social justice. The funding will be used to meet the increased demand as a direct result of the pandemic provide additional staffing resource and strengthen links across and between organisations. This will enable them to make sure they represent those who not only face inequality of opportunities in ev… more
Amount: £67,608
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Camden
Contribution to CEO salary 2019-21
Continuing contribution to CEO salary
Amount: £55,000
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Camden
FREA secretariat 2021-23
To continue to provide the secretariat for the Funders for Race Equality Alliance
Amount: £20,000
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Camden
Core support 2021-23
To provide core support, including a contribution to the CEO post
Amount: £55,000
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Camden
Building capacity and commitment
Building capacity and commitment
Amount: £50,000
Region: London
District: Camden
Contribution towards CEO costs 2015-17
To part-fund the post of CEO
Amount: £50,000
Region: London
District: Camden
Contribution to CEO post 2017-19
To enable EDF to continue and develop its work
Amount: £50,000
Region: London
District: Camden
Contribution to CEO salary 2023-5
Contribution to CEO salary
Amount: £60,000
Recipient: Equally Ours
Region: London
District: Lambeth